

Mapplic includes an integrated, filterable directory of locations that offers diverse configurations and layouts to meet a wide range of requirements.

Layout-related settings, such as landscape/portrait mode, container/sidebar size, display type (list/grid), and the number of columns, can be found within the responsivity section of the Settings panel.


Order by titleorderedOrder locations by title.
Group bygroupByGroup locations by assigned groups.
ThumbnailsthumbnailsEnable location thumbnails using thumb (list) or image (grid) properties. If not set, display location title initials.
ToggletoggleSidebarEnable the directory toggle feature.
By defaultsidebarClosedSpecify whether the directory should be open or closed by default.

Search and filters

Search and filtering features improve the ease of location discovery for end users. Filters are not restricted to the directory; they also impact the map by highlighting the found locations.

VisibilityfiltersAlwaysVisibleKeep the filters visible.
By defaultfiltersOpenedOpen the filters by default at startup.


Groups are used to categorize locations and enable advanced filtering. After defining a group, locations can be assigned to it through the group location property.

Groups can be reordered using drag-and-drop.

Namename *Name of the group, must be unique.
ColorcolorHex color of the group. If not set, dark gray will be used.
HidehideHide group from the filter.

Custom filters

When multiple filters are active, their effects accumulate, resulting in the display of locations that meet the criteria of all active filters.

Filters can be reordered using drag-and-drop.

While adding a groups type filter is trivial, setting up checkbox or dropdown filters require basic knowledge of JavasScript.

IDid *Filter identifier, must be unique.
NamenameDisplay name of the filter.
TypetypeFilter type, groups selected.
DefaultdefaultSelect one or more groups that should be filtered by default.
DisabledisableDisable filter.