

The primary elements for constructing an interactive map are locations. Mapplic maps offer the flexibility of an unlimited number of locations, each with its own set of properties.

Location properties

Locations come with built-in properties related to content, visuals, and functionality.

The list of locations can be reordered using drag-and-drop.


IDid *Unique location identifier. It is also used for connecting to interactive SVG elements.
TitletitleDisplay title of the location.
AboutaboutBrief description of the location, visible in popups and the directory.
ThumbnailthumbA thumbnail visible in the directory or serves as a marker when the thumbnail type is selected.
ImageimageImage displayed in popups and the directory grid view.
LinklinkRelative or absolute URL used for redirects and as the More action button.
PhonephoneWhen set, it includes a button with a phone icon that can show/hide the phone number in popups.
HourshoursWhen set, it includes a button with a clock icon that can show/hide the opening hours in popups.
DescriptiondescMain location description that supports rich content like links, videos, or other HTML elements.


ColorcolorHex color of the location marker/element and the main action button. It is ignored for the marker/element when style is set.
StylestyleComplex marker/element styling, overwrites the color property. Styles can be configured on the appearance panel.
LabellabelShort string presented in the marker, typically consisting of 1-3 characters.
ScalescaleSize of the marker can be adjusted using floating-point values, with 1 representing the default size.
TypetypeMarker type including options like circle, dot, pin, thumbnail. Use hidden when a visible marker is not required.


SamplesampleSample location ID from which to inherit properties. If not set, default values will be inherited.
LayerlayerLayer the location belongs to. Locations can also be assigned to all layers.
GroupgroupGroups assigned to the location. To select multiple groups, hold the Ctrl/Cmd key.
Coordcoord *X,Y coordinate of the location. The easiest method for modifying coordinates is by drag-and-dropping markers.
Lat,lonlatlonComma separated latitude and longitude coordinate of the location, only available for geocalibrated maps. coord will be ignored when latlon is set.
ZoomzoomFocus zoom level for the location. If left empty, the global max zoom level will be applied.
ActionactionAction to perform when a location is focused.
DirectoryhideHide location from directory.
DisableddisableDisable location.


To simplify the process of populating locations, Mapplic includes a built-in feature known as the recognizer. This feature iterates through all interactive elements of an SVG and automatically places empty locations at estimated positions based on the bounding box of each element.

The recognizer operates on the selected layer, meaning it needs to be executed individually for each layer.

CSV support

Spreadsheets are among the most common and intuitive methods for data storage. Mapplic can load location data from a CSV file, which is the most widely used format for tabular data.

The header row should include the location property keys, with each subsequent row representing a distinct location.

Location data can be stored in either JSON or CSV format, and it's also possible to have a combination where locations exist in both JSON and CSV files.

JSON location data can be Exported to CSV and linked CSV data can also be Imported.


Samples are location templates that help quickly populate locations with predefined properties. Since many locations share similar attributes, samples streamline the configuration process.

All locations inherit settings from the Default sample, which serves as the global template. To apply a setting to all locations, simply update the Default sample.

You can also create additional samples. To assign a sample to a location, select it from the dropdown list.

Sample Select
"Reserved" sample assigned to a location.

Example Use Case

Consider a lot map with available, reserved, and sold samples:

  • Changing a lot's status is as simple as updating its assigned sample—automatically applying the sample's properties (e.g., description, style, marker).
  • Any updates to a sample instantly reflect across all locations using it.

This makes managing location properties more efficient and consistent.

Template variables

Achieving personalized about and description properties for a location is made easy through the use of template variables.

Any location property (default or custom) can be rendered by putting it inside {{ }} brackets.

Welcome to our office in {{title}}.
Feel free to reach out.
Phone: {{phone}} 
Email: {{email}}

The above description template will pull in the title, phone and email attributes of the location. This feature is extremely useful when combined with samples.